7TH Annual Holistic Skin Care Conference – 2014
Oct 19th & 20, 2014
Radisson Plaza Hotel
100 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo Township, MI 49007
Details and Schedule
Sunday, October 19th
9:30am-10:00am Registration
10:00am-11:00am “Platlet Rich Plasma (PRP) commonly known as Vampire Facelift”
Dr. Lutskovsky will demonstrate and discuss the advantages of this effective, face restoring, anti-aging procedure which is beneficial for your entire body.
Dr. Andrey Lutskovsky, DO. Active member of the American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine (AOAPRM), the American Osteopathic Association and the Michigan Osteopathic Association. Farmington Hills, Michigan
11.15am-12.15pm “Plasma – Today’s Science Magic”
In 1997, Penny Kelly met Dr. Wm. Levengood, a biophysicist, and thus begun an cooperative study that stretched over 15 years.
Penny Kelly; Author, Teacher, Speaker, Publisher, Personal and Spiritual Consultant, and Naturopathic Physician
12.30pm-1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm-2.30pm “Harmonizing Face Restoration”
At this workshop Elina will demonstrate a harmonious variety of deep skin corrective methods including color rejuvenation, mesoporation (mesotherapy without needles), and electroporation, which will allow you to witness dramatic results after one treatment.
Elina Fedotova, CEO of Elina Organics & AHSCP President; Product Formulator, Cosmetic Chemist & Licensed Aesthetician. “Best Facial” Chicago Magazine
2.45pm-3.15pm “Living well with Essential Oils”
Discover how to incorporate essential oils into your diet and life to feel your best.
Wanda Mears and Joanna Geigley, DoTerra Essential Oils Independent Product Consultants.
3.15pm-3.30pm “Natural Coconut Deodorant”
Denise will share her journey of formulating her first product.
Denise Rowekamp, AHSCP Member, Elina Organics Educator & Aesthetician, Product formulator
3:45pm-4:15pm”Face Massage & Muscle Toning Exercises”
You will learn about the benefits of particular massage techniques and face exercises which help to renew energy, increase circulation, and improve muscle tone. After this workshop you will be able to incorporate them into your practice.
Catherine Petite, Member of AHSCP, Owner & Aesthetician at Sefarie Lisse Kailua Kona, Hawaii
4.15pm-4.45pm “Incorporating Energy balance techniques into your spa services”
After this workshop you will learn particular methods of energy balance including but not limited to reiki and polarity.
Irina Tatarintseva, Member of AHSCP, Aesthetician. Irina has 19 years’ experience in energy healing, esoteric science and bodywork. She is a certified NIA teacher and a certified Karuna Reiki Master, as well as a Registered Polarity Educator with the American Polarity Therapy Association. Dublin, Ohio Faculty of the Holistic Health Careers Institute in Columbus, Ohio. 23 years of experience in energy work.
4.45-5.15pm Questions and Open Sharing
Monday, October 20th
10.00am-10.45am Inner Radiance
Ruth Eichler: psychotherapist and author of books “Radiant Awakening” and “Twelve Songs of the Soul”
11.00am-11.45am “Skin Balance”
Elina will discuss properties of different phyoto nutrients, minerals, and other ingredients for optimum skin balancing formulas
Elina Fedotova, CEO of Elina Organics & AHSCP President; Product Formulator, Cosmetic Chemist & Licensed Aesthetician. “Best Facial” Chicago Magazine
12.00pm-1.00pm LUNCH
“ Marketing your Spa”
Shelley Brooks, Shelley is currently the Vice President of the Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners. Licensed Esthetician and Certified Massage Therapist with special training in LaStone Therapy
6TH Annual Holistic Skin Care Conference
Our 6th Annual Holistic Skin Care Conference was a huge success!
We would like to thank all your beautiful faces for attending as well as our fabulous speakers. We had a wonderful time sharing our ideas and learning from one another.
Watch our 6th Annual Conference video to learn more!

6TH Annual Holistic Skin Care Conference – 2013
Watch Elina on WZZM’s ‘Healthy You’ talk about our 2013 conference and helpful skin care tips!
6th Annual Holistic Skin Care Conference details:
Location: Radisson Stone Theater, Kalamazoo, MI
Time: Sunday, October 27th, 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Monday, October 28th, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost for Non-Members: $425.00
Cost for Members: $85.00
9:45 – 10:00 am >> • Practitioner’s sharing
10:00 – 11:00 am >> Holistic Solutions for Hyperpigmentation. New natural ingredients and latest research. Demostrations. • Elina Fedotova, CEO of Elina Organics & AHSCP President; Product Formulator, Cosmetic Chemist & Licensed Aesthetician, “Best Facial” Chicago Magazine
Break 11:00 – 11:15 am
11:15 – 11:30 am >> • Practitioner’s sharing
11:30 am – 12:15 pm >> “Vibration, Energy and Healing” Interactive, hands on presentation. • Jeff & Joanne Currier Co-owners of Ways To Wellness, Midland, MI. Master Level in Usui & Karuna Reiki. Joanne – Great Lakes Bay magazine “Readers Most Motivational Mentor”. Jeff – Chemical Engineer & Geologist.
Lunch 12:15 – 1:15 pm
1:15 – 2:00 pm >> “Bamboo Visage French facial” Created by Nathalie Cecelia using warm bamboo tools specially created for their function, control, and smooth glide on the face. • Daphne Keplinger-Myers. ND, CNC, HSCP, RMT, Lakeshore Natural Skin Care, Zeeland, MI.
Break 2:00 – 2:15 pm
2:15 – 3:00 pm >> “Sugaring vs. Waxing” Interactive hands on workshop. • Ioulia Atanassova licensed aesthetician & Elina Organics Educator and Martha Potter licensed aesthetician and Elina Organics consultant.
Break 3:00 – 3:15 pm
3:15 – 4:00 pm >> “Body Acupressure” Learn how to incorporate body acupressure techniques into your practice to enhance the health and wellness of your clients. • Keeley Bruce, MA, Certified Natural Health Practitioner. Master Aesthetician, Internationally Trained in Massage Therapy, reflexology and medical foot care, CEO of Keeley’s Mobile SPA Services, Northern VA.
Break 4:00 – 4:15 pm
4:15 – 4:45 pm >> “Face and Body-Care for Pregnant Women” • Cindy Sabo – Licensed Aesthetician & Massage Therapist Spring Lake, MI
Break 4:45 – 5:00 pm
5:00 – 5:30 pm >> TRANSCENDENCE Keys to moving beyond those endless cycles of drama and trauma and into a more Balanced, Harmonious and Abundant Life and Living. • Pamela Clements. Certified Medical Assistant who worked in nursing in allopathic medicine for over 20 yrs. She studied and was certified in many Alternative healing modalities including Quantum Touch, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapy, Access Consciousness, and Karmic Decoding and Re-coding for Enlightenment.
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm >> The Basics of NRF2 Activation in Nutragenomics. Why is 80 today’s 20? The answer can be found in nutragenomics! In this presentation, you well learn about the biggest antiaging secret: Your body’s own powerful NRF2 master switch. Natural ways of inducing your body’s survival genes and reducing inflammation and fibrosis will be discussed. • Cibele Webb MSN, RN. Nursing Informatics Professor. Bethel College, Mishawaka, IN.
••• October 28th, 2013 •••
10:00 – 10:45 am >> “Humanity is in the process of vast acceleration of consciousness. You can choose how you respond and participate.” • Ruth Eichler: psychotherapist and author of books: “Radiant Awakening” and “Twelve Songs of the Soul ”
Break 10:45 – 11:00 am
11:00 am – 11:30 am >> Spaces of Grace Feng Shui (“wind and water”) is the ancient art of bringing people into harmony with their environments. The objective is to create well-being for both. • By Mary Grace.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm >> 1. Muscle Testing for Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies that Impact the Skin. 2. Herbal Teas for Specific Skin Conditions/Herbal Properties & Custom Tea Blending. • Keeley Bruce MA, Certified Natural Health Practitioner, Master Aesthetician, Internationally trained in massage therapy, reflexology and medical foot care. Northern VA
Lunch-Break 12:30 – 1:00 pm
1:00 – 1:30 pm >> • Practitioner’s sharing
1:30 – 2:30 pm >> Your Signature Natural Skin Care Products Development Workshop. Learn how to use organic ingredients to formulate SPA products. • Elina Fedotova, CEO of Elina Organics & AHSCP President, Product Formulator, Cosmetic Chemist & Licensed Aesthetician, “Best Facial” Chicago Magazine.
5TH Annual Holistic Skin Care Conference – 2012
Very happy to announce our Fifth Annual Conference was a huge success! We are going to keep the program up to show our level of educational content.
Click here to view the flyer.
Laura Levin: AHSCP 2012 Conference Interviews
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Fifth Annual AHSCP Conference
10:15 am >> The Anti-Aging Effects of Whole Plant Ingredients + Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Demonstration
Elina Fedotova, CEO of Elina Organics & AHSCP President; Product Formulator, Cosmetic Chemist & Licensed Aesthetician, “Best Facial” Chicago Magazine
Learn about Elina’s favorite anti-aging botanicals and find out why she recommends them over synthetic skin care ingredients. Elina will also share her latest anti-wrinkle treatment, demonstrating how to stimulate collagen production to visibly decrease lines in targeted areas.
Break 11:15 – 11:30 am
11:30 am >> Nonsurgical and Minimally Invasive Advancements in Aesthetics
Dr. Bradley Bengtson, M.D., Ranked one of the nation’s top plastic surgeons by Best Doctors in America®, named “Best Plastic Surgeon” by Grand Rapids Magazine, 2010-2012 ~ Grand Rapids
Results once considered impossible without “going under the knife,” can be achieved non-invasively with new FDA-approved technological advances in aesthetics. Dr. Bengtson will discuss two non-surgical procedures: the Ulthera skin tightening/lifting system and the CoolSculpting nonsurgical fat reduction system. He will also talk about the use of facial fillers from patient tissue.
Lunch 12:30 – 1:30 pm
1:30 – 2:00 pm >> How to Integrate Nutrition into Your Holistic Skin Care Practice
Rachael Pontillo, BS, American Association of Drugless Practitioners, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Owner of Holistically Haute, Licensed Aesthetician, Holistic Health Coach, Dermascope Magazine Columnist ~ Flourtown, PA
Clients often confide diet and lifestyle choices to their aestheticians. Often these choices can prevent them from reaching their skin care goals. However, in most states, aestheticians are not permitted to recommend dietary or lifestyle changes without additional certification. Find out how to bring holistic nutrition to your spa to boost client results, retention and referrals and stand out from your competitors.
Break 2:00 – 2:15 pm
2:15 – 2:45 pm >> Facial Acupressure
Keeley Bruce, MA, Certified Natural Health Practitioner Master Aesthetician, Internationally Trained in Massage Therapy, Reflexology and Medical Foot Care, CEO of Keeley’s Mobile Spa Services ~ Northern VA
Learn how to incorporate facial acupressure techniques into your practice to enhance your client’s experience on the table and achieve beautiful results.
Break 2:45 – 3:00 pm
3:00 – 4:30 pm >> The Scientific Basis for Treating Inflammatory
Conditions of the Skin with Natural Therapies
Dr. Alan Dattner, MD, Founder of Holistic Dermatology New York City
Learn how a natural, drug-free approach to treating acne, rosacea, eczema and other inflammatory conditions makes sense scientifically from a licensed dermatologist. Find out when you need to recommend more conventional treatment to your clients, and how to work effectively with dermatologists to help advance the field of Holistic Dermatology and skin care.
Break 4:30 – 4:45 pm
4:45 – 5:25 pm >> Practical Ways to Energize Body, Mind and Spirit
Yuriy Savoskin, NASM Certified Performance Enhancement Specialist & ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Arnold Classic Gold Medalist, 2006 ~ Columbus, OH
Tips from around the world on energy work for holistic practitioners. Learn simple exercises to incorporate into daily life to help boost your energy, improve your bodies postural alignment and blood circulation.
5:40 – 6:10 pm >> Take Your Business to the Next Level!
Shelley Rosenfeld-Brooks, BA, Licensed Aesthetician, Owner of Conscious Skin Care, AHSCP Vice President ~ Alameda, CA
Is fear or insecurity blocking your true potential? Learn practical tools to move beyond mental and emotional barriers and watch your business grow!
October 22nd, 2012
10:00 am >> How to Balance the Body During a Facial or Massage Treatment
Kathy Poel, Licensed Aesthetician, Reiki Level 1 & 2 Grand Rapids, MI
Cindy Sabo, Licensed Aesthetician and Massage Therapist Spring Lake, MI
Learn new ways to enhance facial and body treatments using energy work and other holistic therapies.
Break 11:15 – 11:30 am
11:30 – 12:10 pm >> How Yoga can Enhance the Health of the Skin
Michele Fife, E-RYT, owner of Seva Yoga; Director, Seva Yoga Teacher Training School and ‘Wellness Expert’ for ABC affiliate
WOTV4. ~ Grand Rapids
Learn how the stress-reducing practice of yoga and a good diet can help detox the body and lead to healthy, beautiful the skin. The benefits of skin brushing, an ancient Ayurvedic tradition, will also be discussed.
12:10 – 12:40 pm >> Detoxify or Wrinkle!
Dr. Linda Hegstrand, MD, Medical Director of the Complete Wellness Center ~ Grand Rapids
Internal cleansing to detoxify the body is essential to maintain/revive a youthful appearance. Dr. Hegstrand will discuss how cleansing your body from the inside works synergistically with the Elina Organics Skin Care line.
Break 12:40 – 12:55 pm
12:55 – 1:35 pm >> Chakra Integration Workshop
Grace DeHaan, RN, & Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique Practitioner ~ Kalamazoo
Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique (BEST) is a gentle hands-on procedure that helps to balance energy and re-establish the full healing potential of the body. Find out exactly what chakras are and how they’re connected to our emotions. Learn how to balance your body’s energetic communication system through the chakras. Find out exactly what chakras are and how they’re connected to our emotions. Techniques to help balance, integrate, and ground the body’s energetic system will be shared.
2:00 pm >> Latest Protocols from Elina Organics
Elina Fedotova, CEO of Elina Organics & AHSCP President; Product Formulator, Cosmetic Chemist & Licensed Aesthetician, “Best Facial” Chicago Magazine
Learn Elina’s latest rejuvenating treatments for lips and
neck area. Product Adjustment Workshop.
3:00 pm Practitioner Sharing
The Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners
8th Annual Conference – October 4th & 5th
Radisson Plaza Hotel100 W Michigan AveKalamazoo Township, MI 49007
Details and Schedule
Day 1

Day 2
Looking for details of past conferences? Click Here.