About this Event
The hotel offers free shuttles from O’Hare International Airport to the hotel 24/7. To get a special hotel room conference price inform the Crowne Plaza Hotel that you are participating in the AHSCP Conference when you book your room.
Crowne Plaza Hotel: (847) 671-6350
For more information about the conference or to register by phone, please call (269) 384- 2170, email elina@elinaorganics.com, or visit www.holisticskincarepractitioners.org.
Sunday, November 3rd 2019
10:00-11:00 am
Functional and Regenerative Medicine for Skin Care
Speaker: Dr. Andrey Lutskovsky
11:00 – 11:30 am
Incorporating Camel Milk Into a Skincare Regimen
Speaker: John Payne
- Camel Milk is a true beauty superfood & skin mask. It’s a “TRINITY for MAGICAL LIFE” because camel milk, health & beauty are intertwined! Incorporate Camel Milk in your Skin care regimen. Camel milk is safe for the lactose intolerant & is free from beta-lactoglobulin & Casein A1, which are the main proteins in cows milk that trigger allergic reactions
11:30 – 12:45 pm
Creation of specific Holistic Anti Aging Skin Restoring Protocols based on clients DNA.
Speaker: Elina Fedotova
- Learn new ways to perform dermaplane and micropeel.
- Learn how to incorporate natural skin nutrients from raw mushrooms, CBD, wild herbs, camel milk into individual corrective facial protocols [Demonstration].
- Learn about latest skin care devices based on Pulsed Electromagnetic Feld.
12:45 – 1:45 pm
1:45 – 2:45 pm
Causes of Acne
Speaker: Dr. Raymond Bianchi, M.D.
- A deeper understanding of the different causes of acne and ways to approach it individually.
2:45 – 3:45 pm
Hair Restoration PRP for Hair/Alternative to Hair Implants
Speaker: Dr. Andrey Lutskovsky, M.D., D.O.
3:45 – 4:00 pm
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Add Value to Your Spa with Detox Therapies
Speaker: Keeley Lore
- Add services to distinguish your business without adding employees! PEMF therapies, Bio and Grounding Mats, Massage and Lymphatic Compression Chairs, Electrotherapy Facial Masks, Infrared Saunas, Himalayan Salt Caves, Ionic Foot Detox, and many more add on therapeutic services that will enhance your skin care results will all discussed during this presentation.
5:00 – 5:30 pm
The Power of PEMF for Health & Skin Care & How to Neutralize the Damaging Effects of EMF’S
Speaker: John Payne
- Learn how PEMF treatment rejuvenates & regenerates the bodies cells systemically.
- PEMF has more than 2,000 clinical studies validating its efficacy in naturally:
- — Promoting natural collagen production in the skin
- — Reducing fine lines & wrinkles
- — Increasing absorption of skin care products
- — Reducing inflammation
Monday, November 4th 2019
8:00 – 9:00 am
Morning Yoga
Speaker: Ashley Suzelis
9:00 – 10:00 am
Positivity and Success in Business: How to Stay on a Positive Plane
Speaker: Derek Malone
10:00 – 11:15 am
Genomics in Esthetics and Dermatology
Speaker: Dr. Erin Madigan-Fleck, N.D.
- This lecture will present the various methods and biological implications for genomics in the esthetic and dermatology setting. Genetic testing has become extremely popular as well as a highly informative method of obtaining important and critical data for health, preventative health and histological genetics. In recent years, the essay methods and sequencing has been incrementally targeted to evaluate integumentary markers, risk factors and biological tendencies. This opportunity opens a new pathway for an enhanced scientific approach in the realm of skin assessment, and for the potentials of networking with functional medicine and holistic physicians. The presentation will explore the parameters, processes, evaluation techniques and interpretation of various methods of the genetic testing, and the biological implications for genomics in the esthetic arena, and how to incorporate this evaluation method into your practice.
11:15 – 12:30 pm
Holistic Protocols for Inflamed Complexion
Speaker: Elina Fedotova
- Acne & Rosacea
- Anti Inflammatory Botanicals, how to create personalized solutions for each individual case
- Cystic Acne, individualized holistic protocol demonstration
12:30 – 1:30 pm
1:30 – 2:15 pm
Select the Best Approach for Each Case with Kinesiology [Demonstration]
Speaker: Keeley Lore
2:15 – 3:00 pm
Choosing the Best Hair Removal Techniques for Your Client
Speaker: Sarah Bourgoin
- This demonstration will show you how to analyze the skin and create a customized hair removal service for your client. Focusing on a safe blade micropeel method to remove unwanted vellus hair while exfoliating the skin. This is an ideal treatment for clients who want to remove facial hair but do not respond well to face waxing, those not suitable for laser hair removal, and clients with aging or hyper pigmented skin. This will be great as an add on service or stand alone treatment.
3:00 – 3:15 pm
3:15 – 4:15 pm
Rejuvenating Body Protocols
Speakers: Elina Fedotova, Martha Potter, Cindy Sabo, Kathy Poel, & Mischa Kleinhesselink
- Botanical Tanning without Spray Machine
- Sun Protection
- Botanical Exfoliation
- Body Nourishing
- Elina will discuss different ingredients, natural solutions, and recipes for the face and body
4:15 – 5:15 pm
Panel Discussion with Elina Fedotova, Ashley Suzelis, Keeley Lore, Dr. Erin Madigan, and Mischa Kleinhesselink
- Holistic Spa: Environmentally Friendly Business from All Aspects — Green Sustainable Business
- Best Business Tools
Tuesday, November 5th
Non-Members · $65
AHSCP Members · $25 [ 2 Credits]
10:00 – 1:00 pm
Corrective Skin Care Protocols for Specific Conditions [Demonstration]
Speaker: Elina Fedotova
- Elina will demonstrate her latest corrective skin care protocols for specific conditions such as melasma, dry dehydrated complexion, super sensitive complexion, severe loss of elastic and muscle tone of the face and others. She will also conduct individual consultations and hands on training based of attendees request.
1:00 – 2:00 pm
2:00 – 5:00 pm
Procedural Skin Analysis
Speaker: Dr. Erin Madigan-Fleck, N.D.
- The process of skin analysis represents a crucial step in approaching professional skin care services, yet many estheticians are not always confident as to the identification and confirmation of skin types, skin conditions, and anomalies. Factors surrounding the selection of ingredients and products, what service to perform, modalities to incorporate and more- are contingent upon the esthetician’s skin assessment findings. As primary esthetic school teachings provided the basics – esthetics today commands a much greater understanding of skin physiology, skin conditions, hallmarks for determining referral for dermatological care, medications, heath status and more. The technical and digital arena has brought many skin assessment tools to the forefront and has increased the diagnostic potential to both quantify and qualify a more scientific approach to skin assessment. This class will demonstrate several skin assessment techniques and philosophies, skin assessment tools and systems, consultation systems, genome testing and other parameters for developing treatment programs. Most importantly – how to present scientific skin assessment as an income service and not as a complimentary client expectation.
Elina Fedotova — Formulator and founder of Elina Organics and President of the Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners, and Holistic Esthetician
Dr. Andrey Lutskovsky, M.D., D.O. — Doctor of functional medicine, physician with a special interest in functional medicine
Dr. Raymond Bianchi, M.D. — Board certified family medicine physician, medical director, director and founder for Strong Men For Christ
Dr. Erin Madigan-Fleck, N.D. — Licensed Esthetic instructor, certified health professional, and naturopathic medical doctor
Keeley Lore — Certified Natural health professional, holistic esthetician, and nutritional response practitioner
John Payne — Chairman & CEO PURELIFE Health Sciences Group LLC
Derek Malone — Firefighter, Family Pastor, John Maxwell Certified Leadership Trainer
Sarah Bourgoin — Holistic esthetician and AHSCP Educator
Martha Potter — Holistic esthetician and AHSCP Educator
Kathy Poel — Business owner, holistic esthetician, AHSCP Educator, Reiki Master
Cindy Sabo — Business owner, holistic esthetician, AHSCP Educator, Massage Therapist
Ashley Suzelis — Holistic esthetician, AHSCP Educator, Massage Therapist, Herbal medicine maker, bach flower therapy practitioner, reiki practitioner, and yoga instructor
Mischa Kleinhesselink — Business owner, holistic esthetician, AHSCP Educator